How Yoga Can Help Hip Pain

How Yoga Can Help Hip Pain Most people are confused about the idea of yoga as a therapeutic exercise. Some people believe that yoga is `more stretching` and other forms of exercise that are more intense. Whichever views you have on yoga, the fact remains that can be a therapeutic exercise for easing hip pain.
One of the reasons why yoga is so effective as a therapeutic exercise is because it`s a meditative process that helps you relax your muscles as well as stretch them. MRI Studies show that there is a significant reduction in stress dosages when participants are involved in a yoga routine. No one knows why, but it`s believed that the elevated hormone levels may be part of what help to reduce stress in your body. Which helps to reduce pain.
Below are exercises that can be done to stretch and relieve hip pain
Poses that can be done include the following:
Vegetable posture—In this pose you will lie on your back with your feet on the floor. You will then bring both legs up towards you with your hand on the floor and hold on to them. You will inhale while bringing your hand towards your abdomen, and exhale when your hand moves away from your abdomen.
Mild stretch—This pose is easy to learn, all you need to do is stand up straight with you legs about shoulder width apart and your arms stretched out. You then lunge forwards, letting your hands grab the floor behind your head. While squeezing your head pull your legs backwards until you feel the stretch in your groin. If pain is experienced try to prevent this stretch.
Extension—standing with you legs straight out in front of you, you will try to reach your toes on your tip toes. You will try to hold this for a few seconds. If pain is experienced you may want to roll down your entire body so you are able to rest some of your weight on your heels.
By the end of the class you will have reduced tensionin your groin, stretched your legs to the max, and will have a clear view of your toes.You will have worked on keeping your hips straight, worked on keeping your upper body straight, worked on keeping your abdominal muscles straight, and worked on keeping you groin area closed.
Try to set realistic goals, but be aware that as things get underway you need to work on your flexibility to allow your body to move in its natural fluid movements.
For long term benefit, Yoga should not be something that you pick up and try once and then quit. You need to work your body to over time to reduce pain. 
Of course you should consult your doctor before doing anything after an accident. 
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